Response to the Endangered Species Act - EBR posting
In an Environmental Registry posting on January 24, 2013 the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) outlined its preferred transition measures for various economic development sectors under the ESA. A key component of this posting was the MNR’s recognition that forestry already provides for the protection of species at risk and their habitat, and that the forest sector would not be subject to the redundant and unnecessary prohibitions of the ESA.
This proposal is consistent with a long-standing commitment from the government, as well as with key recommendations in the recently released Endangered Species Act Panel Report and Recommendations – a series of recommendations aimed at improving the way the MNR implements the ESA.
The proposed regulation posted by government will ensure that the primary objective of the ESA – the recovery of species at risk – will continue, while ensuring that sustainable economic development activities, such as forestry, will be allowed to continue without any unnecessary impacts.
As part of this posting, the MNR is proposing a 5-year regulation for the forest sector that would require that forest operations be conducted in accordance with an approved Forest Management Plan (essentially recognizing that the CFSA is equivalent). The proposed regulation also would require the development of a panel that would review the linkages between the ESA and the CFSA over the next five years.
This EBR posting closes Monday, February 25, 2013. It is critical that we have as many Northern and Rural municipal leaders, citizens and stakeholders respond to the EBR and support the government’s proposed transition measure.
Certain anti-development interests have already started their campaign to pressure the government into, once again, ignoring the needs of industry and communities. These interests are asking the government to reverse their proposal for regulations under the ESA.
Show your support for the proposed changes
Download draft response to the ESA EBR posting in WORD format
Download draft response to the ESA EBR posting in PDF format
Copy of NOMA's letter to EBR dated February 6, 2013
Copy of NOMA President's response to February 9th Toronto Star editorial on proposed regulations
Link to Toronto Star editiorial, Feb 9/13: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2013/02/09/ministry_wants_to_loosen_protections_for_endangered_species_editorial.html
Multi-stakeholder letter to Premier, March 11, 2013