Current Funding & Grants
Please see below for a list of current funding or grant opportunities that may be of interest to you:
- Health and Safety Water Stream fund to help municipalities and First Nations build, repair and expand aging water infrastructure. Register for the February 5 informational webinar.
- Canada Water Agency is accepting applications for initiatives that improve Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health under the Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative. Applications can be submitted for eligible projects until February 13, 2025. Municipalities are eligible.
- Following the launch of the Canada Public Transit Fund on July 17th, 2024, we are pleased to inform you of new funding opportunities being made available for active transportation. Link to Webinar video
Applications for capital projects will be accepted through HICC's Funding Portal until February 26, 2025, while applications from eligible Indigenous applicants will continue to be accepted until April 9, 2025.
- Municipalities with populations 30,000 and under can now access the CRIS expert-matching service to get free expert advice on how to build climate-resilient infrastructure plans and projects. Apply here.
The new Housing-Enabling Water Infrastructure (HEWI) lending stream, under Infrastructure Ontario's (IO) Loan Program, will support the construction, expansion and rehabilitation of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure projects that enable new homes. Infrastructure Ontario will begin accepting applications from municipalities on December 2, 2024.
- Skills Development Fund Capital Stream is available here. Starting Nov. 29, more provincial money will be available to help build new skilled trades training centres across Ontario.
- The Canadian Centre for Climate Services launched a new online app that projects future fire weather conditions.
- The Codes Acceleration Fund (CAF) is open to projects geared towards accelerating the adoption and implementation of the higher tiers of the national model energy codes or other mandatory energy regulations. Approximately $30M in funding available. Funding available until available until March 31, 2027.
- Application intake is open until December 3 for organizations including municipalities to support underrepresented groups in starting or growing their own agri-food business.
- Applications for Ontario Transit Investment Fund (OTIF) will be accepted on an ongoing basis, with programs expected to begin in 2025. Municipalities, Indigenous communities and non-profit organizations can apply for OTIF funding.
Economic Development:
- Read more about Ontario's Indigenous Economic Development Fund and Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program.
- Canada's regional development agencies (RDAs) will deliver $108 million, over three years, directly to businesses and organizations to help diversify regional economies by investing in tourism products and experiences that will encourage visitation to and within Canada. As part of this program, FedNor will receive $5.2 million in funding over three years. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Application Guide in full and to contact a FedNor Officer prior to submitting an application.
- OAFRI applied research, pilot and demonstration and commercialization streams will open on November 2, 2023. Ontario Agri-food Research Initiative | ontario.ca
- Government is positioning the fruit farming sector for growth Governments Positioning Fruit Farming Sector for Growth | Ontario Newsroom with different fundings that will contribute to better resource production Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership - agriculture.canada.ca
- 2024 Grid Innovation Fund - invest $9.5 million to support projects that will make the province's electricity system more efficient - Applications for funding open May 2024.
- EV ChargeON program consists of two streams: the Community Sites Stream and the Government Sites Stream. Applications for the EV ChargeON Community Sites Stream, a competitive grant subsidy program, are now open for eligible private and public sector entities.
- Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP)
- The Federal Government has announced additional funding to the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program, and is temporarily pausing the carbon tax on oil heating to help more Canadians make the switch from oil to heat pumps and lower their energy bills. The program is Canada's only targeted program that helps low-to-moderate income households access energy efficiency services.
- IVY has a Provincial Funded Program that looks at supporting projects related to electric vehicle charging infrastructure across Ontario's municipalities Incentives & Rebates - Ivy Charging Network (ivycharge.com)
- The $6 billion Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund launches with $1 billion for direct municipal and Indigenous infrastructure projects supporting housing-enabling infrastructure. Visit the CHIF website for application details and upcoming webinars.
- The Ministry of Natural Resources is now accepting applications for funding under the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program. Visit flood hazard identification and mapping for more information.
- Apply for Ontario's new Housing-Enabling Core Servicing funding to help municipalities build, maintain and repair municipal roads, bridges and culverts to unlock new housing.
- Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program | ontario.ca
- Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund (CSRIF) More information about eligibility is available in the application guidelines.Stream 1: Repairing and upgrading existing sports and recreation facilities into more accessible, state-of the art facilities that better meet the community's needs. Eligible projects will receive between $150,000 and $1 million and must be completed within twenty-four months. The deadline to submit applications is October 29, 2024. Stream 2: Building new and transformative sports and recreation facilities, including replacing existing facilities that have reached the end of their lifespan. Eligible projects will receive up to $10 million and must be completed no later than March 31, 2027. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until funding has been fully allocated.
- Ontario's Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund allows municipalities to nominate water infrastructure projects for funding (up to $35 million). For details, e-mail HEWS@ontario.ca. Join free webinars to get Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund details. The province also announced an additional $250 million for a second intake of the program opening on August 14.
- Critical Minerals Innovation Fund | ontario.ca is a fund that will be available over the next 7 years, and will support the development of strategic infrastructure projects for mine sites like transportation links and/or energy supply
- Infrastructure Canada's Rural Transit Solutions Fund: Planning and Design Projects Stream. Applications for the Capital Projects stream continue to be accepted through the Infrastructure Canada's Applicant Portal. There is currently no set submission deadline. Applicants are encouraged to review the information in the Capital Project Stream Application Guide and follow the Step-by-Step Guide for Applications to the Capital Stream of the Rural Transit Solutions Fund. The RTSF webpage is also an excellent reference. Infrastructure Canada is now accepting applications for the Planning and Design Projects Stream of the Rural Transit Solutions Fund (up to $50,000). Visit their website for information and webinar dates
- National Housing Co-Investment Fund (NHCF): A federal program supporting the construction and renovation of affordable housing, including grants for municipalities to create housing supply.
- Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund: The OCIF is a provincial funding program specifically designed to support the maintenance and improvement of critical community infrastructure. It provides financial assistance to eligible municipalities to help them address infrastructure needs, including roads, bridges, water and waste water systems, and other vital community assets.
- The Government of Canada believes that electrification is crucial to decarbonising the transportation sector and transitioning to a low-carbon future. In efforts to tackle this initiative, Natural Resources Canada has administered a new program called Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Funding.The program is designed to increase a network of zero-emission vehicle charging and refuelling stations in more localized areas where Canadians live, work, and play and in multi-unit residential buildings, workplaces, or light-duty vehicle fleets.
- The Zero Emission Transit Fund: delivers on the federal government's commitment to help purchase 5,000 zero emission buses over the next five years and build supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades.
- Rural Transit Solution Funding - applications are accepted on an ongoing basis
- Available funding opportunities from the Ontario Government | ontario.ca
Funding: Canada Summer Jobs – Overview - Canada.ca is a Canadian government grant that offers support for employers providing supervised career-related work experience for youth employees. The experiences gained through funded placements should further develop their skills and knowledge, preparing them to make a transition into employment.
- Students can apply for the newly-expanded Learn and Stay Grant. The grant provides full, upfront funding for tuition, books and other costs for students who enrol in an eligible nursing, paramedic or medical laboratory technologist program and agree to stay in under serviced communities to work after graduation. The program is designed to encourage students to learn and stay locally, helping to bring in-demand health care workers to communities that need them most across the province. Ontario.ca/learnandstay.
- Skills Development Fund Training Stream | ontario.ca.
Community Safety:
- The Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program: helps Canadian communities confront discrimination by providing funding for new opportunities, discussions, and research which builds a collective understanding of Canada's diverse cultures and religions. This program operates through three streams: (1) an Events stream, (2) a Projects stream, and (3) a Community Capacity Building stream.
And More:
- Ontario's current funding opportunities
- Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (canada.ca)
- Natural Resources Canada launched a call for proposals for the Codes Acceleration Fund. The call for proposals will remain open until March 27, 2023. Applications from Indigenous governments and organizations will be accepted on an ongoing basis until March 31, 2025.
- The Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster (COB) program supports Ontario municipalities and organizations by relieving some of the financial stress of hosting large events that meet the ministry's definition of a Blockbuster.
- IRAP Youth Employment Program (YEP) was designed to assist funding of hiring young Canadian post-secondary graduates. Graduate can be applied to most areas from business development to technical to customer service/administration.
- Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) Program: A federal initiative supporting renewable energy projects in off-grid and remote communities.
The Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP): supports collaborative research and development projects that lead to commercialization of new products, services, or processes. CIIP seeks to match Canadian businesses with international partners in Brazil, China, India, Israel, and South Korea to achieve synergistic benefits.
- Here is a quick link to more funding opportunities from CMHC.
- ECO Canada provides great opportunities in funding for the environmental workforce, here are a couple which municipalities are eligible and are still open: Environmental Employability Pathways Program, Environmental Jobs Growth Program, Foreign Talent Development, Science Horizons Youth Internship and Youth in Natural Resources.
- New Horizons for Seniors Program -Pan-Canadian stream - funding program - Canada.ca
MIDAS - the Municipal Information & Data Analysis System - provides access to the Financial Information Returns (FIRs) data to all Ontario municipalities. MIDAS converts FIR data into meaningful reports. For access, municipal elected officials and municipal staff can email MIDASAdmin@amo.on.ca.
AMO has designed its training to support members in your leadership roles. Our training offers skills to navigate the many relationships you encounter as an elected official. Navigating Conflict Relationships for Elected Officials is a top-rated course you shouldn't miss.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Grants: FCM offers various grants for municipal sustainability, including the Green Municipal Fund, Community Economic Development Initiative, and Municipal Asset Management Program.
To help municipalities reach their net zero goals, capture a range of energy and non-energy benefits, and lay the foundation to reach net zero emissions, Efficiency Canada has also published a guide for municipalities detailing the steps they can take.
The Ministry of Transportaion has published a Transit Technology Toolkit for small and medium sized municipalities, indigenous communities, and transit systems. The kit helps communities to navigate new transit technologies. For more information, contact: mto.smart.mobility@ontario.ca.
Municipalities can now access de-identified smart meter data through the IESO. Learn about how to obtain data of residential and small general service <50kW consumers. For questions contact smartmeterdata@ieso.ca.
What Municipalities Need to Know About Net Zero Emissions Building Codes Report