For immediate release: Tuesday, September 25, 2012
THUNDER BAY – The 30th annual Northwestern Ontario Regional Conference will be held on Thursday, September 27th & Friday, September 28th at the Victoria Inn in Thunder Bay. The event will bring together municipal leaders, business representatives and economic development practitioners from across the Northwest and is co-hosted by the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association, the Northwestern Ontario Associated Chambers of Commerce, the Northwestern Ontario Development Network, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing.
The theme of the conference is “Ready to Grow” and presentations will focus on where our region stands in our readiness for the growth that mining developments across all three districts may bring. Scheduled speakers and topics include:
• A discussion panel on preparing for growth with Valerie Roy from the Atlantic Provinces Chambers of Commerce, Garry McKinnon of the Atikokan Economic Development Corporation, and Mayor Phil Vinet of Red Lake;
• Northwestern Ontario Mining: Opportunities and Challenges study results from the Lakehead University Business Department;
• Labour Market Planning presentation by the North Superior Workforce Planning Board and the Northwest Training and Adjustment Board; and,
• An update on Ministry Activities by George Ross, Deputy Minister of Northern Development Mines, and Joe Iannace, Director Infrastructure Partnership of the Infrastructure Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Infrastructure.
The event also features two luncheon keynote addresses:
• Thursday: Keith McCullough, Hedgeye Risk Management will share his views on these challenging economic times; and
• Friday: newly elected Grand Chief Harvey Yesno of NAN will outline the opportunities and challenges facing his communities.
Full conference and single day registration is available. Full conference schedule and registration information is available at www.noma.on.ca